Taxonomy Thursday webinar sparks interest

The webinar series ”Taksonomiatorstai”, i.e. “Taxonomy Thursday”, launched in autumn 2022, gathers more and more listeners online every month.

The Taxonomy Thursday webinars are currently held only in Finnish, but who knows, perhaps one day they will also be introduced in English. If you are able to follow along spoken Finnish presentations and EU taxonomy interests you, then this series is for you! We learn about different taxonomy approaches and focus areas every month, presented by experts within the field. The webinar series discusses EU taxonomy as a whole, and also dives deeper into specific areas such as how taxonomy should be taken into account for example in energy solutions or contract law. The topics are addressed in a practical way with also room for discussion and questions. Even though taxonomy is a serious topic, there is no avoiding humor, and the speeches are truly engaging.

Taxonomy, i.e. the European Union’s sustainable finance classification system, creates criteria for what kind of business activity is environmentally sustainable. Although the taxonomy reporting obligations currently apply to large listed companies, taxonomy guides the activities of financiers and consequently the effects are also carried over to the activities of smaller companies.

In future investments, funding will be directed even more strongly to projects and acquisitions that meet the taxonomy criteria. Regardless of size, companies should be aware of the concept of taxonomy as a whole, and understand how it affects their own field of activity. In order to succeed sustainably in the future, every organization, regardless of size, must review their actions and their approach to responsibility issues.

Do no significant harm

The basic pillar of EU taxonomy is the “Do no significant harm” principle, which means that one taxonomy environmental goal cannot be promoted at the expense of other taxonomy goals. The realization of the principle requires extensive analysis work and a systematic approach to responsibility issues – and to begin with, a comprehensive understanding of the principles of taxonomy.

Compliance with Minimum Safeguards and other regulation is Internal and External Due Diligence
Compliance with Minimum Safeguards and other regulation is Internal and External Due Diligence, source Netta Skön, Fondia Oyj

Inspiring speakers, a lot of information and enthusiastic energy

The theme for February’s Taxonomy Thursday was Taxonomy and responsible business. The main presenter was Netta Skön from Fondia Oyj: “Responsibility generally strives to ensure that one’s own activities are more beneficial than harmful, that one strives to reduce the adverse effects of one’s own activities and to increase the resulting benefits.”

Taksonomiatorstai webinaarin esittelijät ovat alansa asiantuntijoita, jotka avaavat haastavia aiheita hymyssä suin ja käytännönläheisesti.
Taxonomy Thursdays are full of information presented with a smile. Pictured: Reeta Huhtinen, Turku Science Park Oy, Netta Skön and Aleksi Lundén, Fondia Oyj.

The topics yet to come during the spring are among others taxonomy in the construction material industry, taxonomy and classification, and taxonomy in construction. Interesting presentations will be served by Raija Polvinen, Kiilto Oy, Riikka Sievänen, KPMG Oy, Jani Salminen, SYKE, Pekka Vuorinen, Rakennusteollisuus RT, Aleksi Lundén, Fondia Oyj and Pekka Kiuru, NCC Suomi Oy.

If your Finnish language skills are upp to par, welcome aboard to learn more about EU taxonomy!

Sign up for coming Taksonomiatorstai -webinars (NB in FINNISH)

16.3. klo 8.30–9.30 Taksonomia rakennustuoteteollisuudessa, Raija Polvinen, Kiilto Oy ja Riikka Sievänen, KPMG Oy

20.4. klo 8.30–9.30 Taksonomia ja luokittelu, Riikka Sievänen, KPMG Oy ja Jani Salminen, SYKE

25.5. klo 8.30–9.30 Taksonomia rakentamisessa, Pekka Vuorinen, Rakennusteollisuus RT, Pekka Kiuru, NCC Suomi Oy ja Aleksi Lundén, Fondia Oyj

Taksonomiatorstai webinar series

Further links and resources on EU taxonomy and DNSH

EU taxonomy for sustainable activities

EUR-Lex Commission Notice Technical guidance on the application of ‘do no significant harm’ under the Recovery and Resilience Facility Regulation 2021/C 58/01

In Finnish:

Ohjeita EU-rahoituksen vaatiman ”ei merkittävää haittaa” -periaatteen soveltamisesta Suomen elpymis- ja palautumissuunnitelman hankkeissa

Ei merkittävää haittaa -periaatteen (DNSH) soveltaminen Suomen elpymis ja palautumissuunnitelman hankkeissa


The webinar series is part of the 3C-cluster “Circular materials and solutions for construction industry” activities, with the lead corporation Nordkalk Oy and Turku Science Park Oy as the facilitator of the activities.

More information on “Taksonomiatorstai”: Reeta Huhtinen

Article written by: Ida Forssell-Martikainen